Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Good Investment/Teaching Kids How to Invest in the Stock Market

Bethany Murphy, an 11-year-old in Mt. Laurel, N.J., is as comfortable around the stock market as most kids her age are around video games. She got her interest in the market from a fourth-grade school project two years ago when she entered the local newspaper's stock contest.
"We chose five stocks, and the newspaper tracked them for us," says Bethany. Even after the contest was over, Bethany kept an eye on "her stocks" and eventually bought shares in one of the companies.
For Bethany's parents, their daughter's investment venture is about more than just making money, it's about teaching her the value of money. Tom and Marie Murphy opened an account for her with Stein Roe Young Investor Fund, a custodial account geared toward teaching kids about investing.
"I set out with the investment with the objective of her learning," says Tom Murphy. "Every quarter Stein Roe sends out a newsletter written where children can understand it."
The newsletter includes investing terms, games and company profiles. It's information that has piqued Bethany's interest. Since her initial investment, Bethany has won an essay contest with the company, which added another $5,000 into her portfolio. Her dad says the money in Stein Roe will stay there for the next eight years and will help with his daughter's college costs.
"I think it's pretty smart to do it at this age," admits Bethany. "You'll be able to understand the stock market before you get older. You can also have money invested so that you'll have money for college."
Robert Grace of McLean, Va., is another Stein Roe Young Investor with aspirations of using some of his investments for college. He's 12 now, but when he was 8, his grandparents opened an account for him. He also owns individual stocks. It's not uncommon in his house for dinner conversations to turn to bears and bulls. Robert's dad, David Grace, says they try to talk about the stock market along with other news events.
"We do look over his stocks with him and the stocks that we own," David Grace says. "It's important to talk about these things. It's a part of life. Kids need to understand, and it effects them now."

My Aspiration

bb: 玩笑风声也得告段落啦。。。。。。。回家也。。。
16 Jan 11, 04:56 PMbb: 一天又一天就这样过去了。。。
16 Jan 11, 04:55 PMbb: 大起大落,猜测,猜测,分析,分析,
16 Jan 11, 04:53 PMbb: 股票大起,充满信心。股票大跌,充满伤心。
16 Jan 11, 04:46 PMbb: 那,就听天由命吧!谁叫我来这个世界。
16 Jan 11, 04:45 PMbb: 我常说:小孩做事大人不理。
16 Jan 11, 04:44 PMbb: 你常说:大人做事小孩别管。
16 Jan 11, 03:07 PMbb: 别烧焦皮股哦,不然又的见包青天咯
16 Jan 11, 03:05 PMbb: 捞不到嘛可别扣掉我的压岁钱哦
16 Jan 11, 03:04 PMbb: 捞到嘛给个大肥年
16 Jan 11, 03:03 PMbb: 新年要到了,想在股市捞个大红包。
16 Jan 11, 03:02 PMbb: 放心吧!我会慢慢的习惯自个儿的生活。
16 Jan 11, 02:46 PMbb: 你的限于体力,知慧,技巧。。
16 Jan 11, 02:44 PMbb: 它是圆的,可以滚随心所欲。
16 Jan 11, 02:40 PMbb: 因它不被任何空间限制,
16 Jan 11, 02:37 PMbb: 你在玩球,其实你被球玩,
16 Jan 11, 02:36 PMbb: 它就像一粒球,
16 Jan 11, 02:35 PMbb: 上上下下,无受你言控制,
16 Jan 11, 02:32 PMbb: 你猜它下,它偏偏上,
16 Jan 11, 02:31 PMbb: 你猜它上,它偏偏下,
16 Jan 11, 02:29 PMbb: 一切只是‘’猜测‘’
16 Jan 11, 02:27 PMbb: 你只知过去,不知未来事,
16 Jan 11, 02:24 PMbb: 多么的难听
16 Jan 11, 02:23 PMbb: 死火,死火。in cantonese called.
16 Jan 11, 02:22 PMbb: sifu, market people called.
16 Jan 11, 02:21 PMbb: oh, i am bore..
16 Jan 11, 01:28 PMbb: uncle, are you there? lend me your hand, your job, help me delete oh.if not i got to wear pampers lo...bye bye
16 Jan 11, 01:18 PMbb: 我的,走为上策
16 Jan 11, 01:15 PMbb: 我甚都没说的哦。我也看不到哦。
16 Jan 11, 01:13 PMbb: 别赖我哦
16 Jan 11, 01:13 PMbb: 貪心? 我可没说的哦?
16 Jan 11, 01:12 PMbb: 大人于小人的差别是。。。。小人不会想,所以嘛开心
16 Jan 11, 01:11 PMLiL: 不,貪心的人
16 Jan 11, 01:10 PMbb: 小人是不明白的
16 Jan 11, 01:09 PMbb: 这就是大人咯
16 Jan 11, 01:08 PMbb: 股票大起,满于找钱买更多的股,希望它会起更高。
16 Jan 11, 01:07 PMbb: 股票大跌,满于找钱买股,希望回弹可赚取利润
16 Jan 11, 01:03 PMbb: 到底是为钱而活?还是。。。
16 Jan 11, 01:02 PMbb: 但是赚的了全世界,没有快乐又为了什么?
16 Jan 11, 01:00 PMbb: 我也明白‘’為一個錢字‘’
16 Jan 11, 12:54 PMLiL: 為一個錢字
16 Jan 11, 12:37 PMbb: 股票大跌,红通通的, 股票大起,热腾腾的, 你的心情,上下起伏, 有时气昂昂, 有时气冲冲, 不知你几时喜, 不知你几时悲, 令我难以捉摸。 难言之隐有谁知?
16 Jan 11, 12:37 PMbb: 我的心声。。
16 Jan 11, 12:35 PMbb: 翻来覆去,睡也睡不着,
16 Jan 11, 12:11 PMbb: 不如花多点时间睡个大觉,我去也
16 Jan 11, 12:07 PMbb: 天地下没有绝对的事,那又何必谈天下大事?
16 Jan 11, 12:03 PMbb: 我不懂大人的话,你不懂小人的话。到底谁不懂谁的话?
16 Jan 11, 12:02 PM
Jan 11, 12:02 PMbb: 你说你有理,我说我有理,公说是公的,母说是母的,到底谁说的有理?你说我说的有理吗?